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Alwan’s New Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent (Available In Alwan ColorHub 6.6.0)

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Alwan’s New Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent

What is Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent?

Alwan’s new Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent is a mix of ICC Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent and Relative Colorimetric Rendering Intent.

When proofing or repurposing files, Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent gives you the color accuracy of Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent without the simulation of the paper white.

How does Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent work?

ICC has defined 2 colorimetric rendering intents: Absolute Colorimetric and Relative Colorimetric.

Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent

Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent is derived from characterization data and should accurately describe actual device-paper color capabilities.

Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent’s white point (all device values = 0) is the actual substrate CIELAB color.

When absolute color match is expected regardless of the substrate, Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent should be used.

Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent is widely used in proofing when all colors, including paper color, should be simulated on the proofing substrate.

Relative Colorimetric Rendering Intent

Relative Colorimetric Rendering Intent is derived from Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent data with one main difference, Rendering Intent’s white point (all device values = 0) is CIELAB 100,0,0.

When relative color match or appearance match is expected for a given substrate, Relative Colorimetric Rendering Intent should be used.

Relative Colorimetric Rendering Intent is widely used in proofing when proofing paper has the same color as production paper, or when simulating production paper color is undesirable.

Relative Colorimetric Rendering Intent is also widely used for repurposing when simulated and output gamuts are slightly different, which is the most common case where color management is needed.

Alwan Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent

Alwan Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent has been developed to combine the benefits of the two ICC Rendering Intents: absolute color match for all colors except near-substrate colors which use relative color match.

Figure 1
Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent (top),
Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent (bottom)

When should I use Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent?

Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent offers benefits in the following situations:


When accurate proof colors are expected without undesirable paper simulation on the proof.

Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent is suitable for all types of numerical proofing, but also for the reproduction of the images and graphics from the source profile (provided that they have similar gamuts).

(Note: If the paper difference between the input and output is greater than 2 DE00, the reproduction may not pass ISO 12647-7 conformance by using Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric or Relative Colorimetric rendering intents. In this case and for numerical proof only, we recommend using Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent.)


When highest color accuracy is expected on the output process despite the difference between input and output profiles’ white points.

Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent delivers great results when highest color accuracy is required, particularly for brand and special colors.

Quality Control

When prints and proofs are assessed for conformance.

Figure 2
Absolute Colorimetric Rendering Intent report: PASS (left),
Relative Colorimetric Rendering Intent report: FAIL (centre),
Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent report: PASS (right)

Alwan’s Hybrid Colorimetric Rendering Intent is available in Alwan ColorHub 6.6.0 (and later versions to come).

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